Return on Coaching and Timing
Successful people don't wait to be hit by a compelling event - a career, financial or relationship fall. They make sure the future stays clear.
When asked about the timing of their Aspecture CoachingPlus programme, the majority reply “I wish I’d started it sooner".
Ideally, Aspecture Executive Coaching should help drive the growth of an executive whilst they are 'on track', taking advantage of business challenges to let them flourish, deepen their perception and to navigate their terrain objectively. When put in place after a compelling event - be it a fall, a failure, the emergence of inappropriate behavioural patterns, damaged internal or external relationships - executive coaching takes on a remedial or 'problem child' role, trying to get the person's career and reputation 'back on track'.
Often people feel they haven’t got the time, or feel they don’t need executive coaching for them or their teams. However, the most successful people realise they need to stay ahead of compelling events, not wait for them. They also realise they can’t do all the heavy lifting themselves.
“Having realised the impact that the Aspecture coaching would have on both myself and my executives, I wish that we had started the programme much sooner.”
Return on Career
Aspecture is determined to provide exceptional value. To ensure we are delivering this, we ask clients to evaluate and provide a rating on their coaching sessions. This provides us with one of the mechanisms to ensure that we are exceeding client expectations and providing them with exceptional return on their investment.
This ROI is typically quite substantial, especially when the total cost of an executive’s remuneration is calculated against a return based on the improvement in skill levels, decision making and influence on the organisation. Conservative estimates are that typical coaching assignments yield a return investment of nearly six times the initial investment. (Source - Manchester Group).
This takes no account of the unique value that Aspecture adds. A recent Aspecture proposal for senior sales executives needed a 0.028% improvement to have covered the initial investment. Our own research places the Aspecture ROI at just over 650%
Anecdotally, a Director on a basic of £150K was recently rated by his boss as contributing at 80%, who then said "If you can help him find even another 10% the coaching will have paid for itself."
Businesses are becoming more aware of the advantages of conducting Return on Expectation (ROE) to evaluate coaching. This essentially sets out the plans of the programme, gaining consensus on the objectives and then ensuring that the goals and objectives have been met. The assumption is that as long as the programme focuses on the business objectives and results in positive change, then it will be valued by the organisation. See the Testimonials ratings for an indication of Aspecture’s ROE.
However, more and more people are talking to me about what I frequently describe as a 'Return on Career' - where they attribute to my coaching the ability to fast forward past a stuck state. Does that sound familiar? The true breadth of the impact of coaching can be evaluated through this approach. Considering the hundreds of thousands of variables that contribute to the success or failure of a project, product or organisation, then the impact of a more integrated, self-aware or confident executive increases significantly.