Let's have a closer look at the options provided by Aspecture. We provide a range of coaching solutions called Coachingplus. This breaks into three core areas – Individualteam and custom programmes.

At Aspecture, we want to do all we can to help you reach your goals.  Consequently, if you commit yourself to your programme, we will go the extra mile to keep you focused on achieving the outcomes you want.

At the core of all we do is creating the reflective space to enable the process of changing the subjective to the objective, so that you can have a fuller understanding of your behaviour, thoughts and relationships. This normally happens through the following stages:-

­Step 1: this is the subjective, who we are now and how we experience the world outside us; our reality, habits, routines, views and approaches. It’s the lens through which we see the world and is automatic, comfortable and easy. But it is also living in the past.

 It is summed up by the metaphor “The last thing to know about the sea is the fish”.

 Step 2 is creating awareness - moving the subject into an object, so we can experience events with fuller awareness. It’s becoming conscious of the unconscious behaviours by which we’ve been living. This stage is the “Aha! Moment” or “The see”.

 Step 3 is insights, when we question, reflect and seek new perspectives. The insights we gain can provide a better understanding of our behaviour, thoughts actions and feelings, as well as the impact and influence we have on those around us. This stage can provide greater clarity and can often be transformational.

Step 4 is choice. Once we have awareness and insights, we can choose to approach things differently. New choices lead to new behaviours, which lead to new experiences and emotions. This can happen at a simple pragmatic level, or again, at a transformational level.

Step 5 is developing momentum. When we commit to a new choice – be it an insight, intention or an action – we focus our resources towards achieving the new outcomes.  By gaining insights and having choice, we can create a compelling event, in which the new reality is more appealing that the existing one. This focuses us on developing and practicing the habits and routines to get there.

The more courageous the action we decide on, the greater the impact it is likely to have on the existing situation and our ability to deal with unknown future ones. Even new insights mean there we will have greater choice and awareness for future challenges. This stage is summed up by the saying “Energy flows where the attention goes”

 Step 6 is the impact on our self esteem and confidence, which will increase exponentially, the more frequent and courageous the new approaches are and the greater the impact it is likely to have on our ability to deal with unknown future situations.

 And all this begins with a new thought….


Aspecture's Malcolm Nicholson has an integrated  approach to coaching which doesn't rely on dogma or process, but couples an individual approach with a leading edge and inspirational toolkit designed to ensure your success. We empower you to make the long term behavioural changes that are necessary to live and work at high performance levels. Our programmes are tailored to meet your needs and Testimonials and case studies assure you that we have a highly successful track record of achieving life-changing results with our clients.

To make sure you are getting the right coach see Malcolm Nicholson's published article "How to get the professional coaching your business deserves".

Click on the following links to find out more:-

Individual Coaching

Individual Coaching

Leadership Team Coaching

Leadership Team Coaching

Custom Programmes

Custom Programmes


"It's impossible to build organisational growth without leadership growth." - Main board director, FTSE 100 business