Leading in Strange Times

A couple of thoughts..

1. Firstly, a couple of questions for you now in these strange times. Please take some time to think about...

 "Who do you want to be as a leader in this virus crisis?"

“What do you want people to remember you did?”

2. Secondly, please take a moment to reflect on the following...

 Self evidently humanity is undergoing momentous events. However, it’s worth creating some time to reflect. The enforced change of routine is a great opportunity to think beyond the “tyranny of the now” – the ever present list of things to do and our relentless obsession with current events – and think beyond the current crises, be they global or involving your customers or team. 

Most of us will be working from home or will have undergone a major shift to your working routine, which gives you a great opportunity to change how you approach tasks, and more to the point, what tasks you continue to do. Now is a great chance to get out of the engine room and onto the bridge. There is now an even more compelling reason to be on the bridge. Your family, teams and colleagues need leadership. Not someone to solve issues or to manage them, but leadership. Lead, follow or get out of the way. Your teams and colleagues will be feeling their way forward and may be experiencing uncertainty, disorientation and maybe even fear.  They may be experiencing work life coming into the home. There may be children to care for. They will be looking to you for leadership and clarity.

I think we need to rephrase and change from referring to ‘social isolation’ to ‘location isolation’.  A leader's job now includes removing that social isolation by building a virtual community who can support each other. That means you have to slow down to speed up - in other words less focus on your own deliverables and more time spent virtually with your team. Your behaviour changes the system.

Go to their heart first then their head - the relationship should be first above the task.  Ask how are they, what are they thinking etc - it's impossible to get their task attention if their mind is far away in worry etc. And didn’t forget you don’t have all the answers. Let them chat, unload and recommend.

People may be on their own; providing reassurance and making them feel valued, giving them feedback, communicating to them with care and compassion will play to fundamental needs we all have as human beings. This is never more important than in this time of uncertainty and volatility, which brings out the best, as well as the worst in people. This requirement however, will not be a one off event, but a key part of your role going forward for some time to come. Support your colleagues and lead your teams. I’ve contacted quite a few leaders & managers around the world this week, it appears that currently most people are having DAILY team calls - many without agenda. Please make sure you are supporting and leading your teams.

 Lead, follow or get out of the way

Good luck and the best of health

Work and home used to be separate domains. Not now!

Work and home used to be separate domains. Not now!